It is crucial to keep in mind that when you apply for a credit card, you should n?t just apply to any credit card companies. Remember that your credit score should be considered in order for you to have a good credit rating in the future. You may not be aware of it but applying for a new credit card should be considered carefully. When searching for a credit card, you should look for these credit card deals in order to get that advantage you've always wanted:
New Cardholder Incentives
A new cardholder incentive will work to your advantage well. Few of the credit card companies that offer this kind of deal will allow you to make purchases without interest at an extended period of time. With this kind of benefit, you can make purchases without worrying about the interest rate. Some credit card companies give this type of benefit for up to 60 days while some offer this benefit for up to six months or even longer. Furthermore with this kind of benefit, you, as a cardholder, can save a lot of money on interest while quickly paying the purchase off.
Another great deal you should look for is the rewards program that some credit card companies give to their credit card holders. In general rewards program vary from company to company but pretty much works the same way. This type of deal works when a cardholder uses their credit card frequently. Remember that the more a credit card holder uses their card, the more points they accumulate. Moreover the points can be converted into cash back, flight points, and other prizes. In case if you use your credit card frequently, this kind of deal is for you.
Interest Rates
More often this is what most people look at first when they apply for a credit card. A brilliant credit card deal should include a low interest rate. Lots of credit cards have 22% interest rates. So, in case if you can get a credit card deal with an interest rate lower than 22% then you are on your way on getting a good credit card deal.
Annual Fees
High annual fees are definitely not worth your time. In case if you can get a credit card with a low annual fee along with other great deals mentioned, you should go for it. Low annual fees should be specially taken into account if you keep your credit cards for emergency purposes only. Fact is you don't want to pay for that extra fee if you don't frequently use your credit card.
Finding a credit card with good deals isn't always straightforward. Because of this reason you should try hard looking for one that has at least two of the deals mentioned above. Most importantly try to consider where you use your credit card and determine which credit card deals are best suited for you. By implementing this, you can protect your credit rating and at the same time, save lots of money on charges that you don't have any use from.
Not all credit card deals are terrific in nature and some are simply worth avoiding. Though, among the lots of offers available there are offers that are simply too good to pass up. The question now arises: How do you know if one deal is better than another? A brilliant question, so let's explore how you can get the credit card deal that is head and shoulders above the rest.
New Card Incentive
In case if a credit card company isn't willing to offer an incentive in order to get you to switch to their card, then simply pass them by. Though, if you see a low introductory rate, free balance transfer, and/or bonus points awarded for making the switch, them by all means consider their card.
The excellent cards will give to you a 0% or other unusually low APR for as long as 12 months. After that, a fixed rate APR that is below the going rate normally 15% -- is worth your consideration.
No Transfer Fees
Getting a balance transfer choice with a low fixed rate until that loan is paid off is wise. Finding one that doesn't charge you to make a transfer is also ideal. You may ask why pay for the privilege of using the card when there are so many cards that really wants your business.
No Annual Fee
Few cards charge annual fees or at least waive them for the first year. Unless there are some additional fantastic incentives given it is quite mandatory that you avoid that annual fee card like the plague!
Get the Rewards
One of the best incentives given is a card that gives to you a reward every time that you use it. Quite a number of times one point on the dollar is good, but five points on select purchases is even better. It is recommended that you redeem those valuable points for airline miles, hotel stays, vacation travel, new car rebates, cash back, and more. Generally speaking some cards will double your rewards for special purchases, i.e. groceries, gas station, or the drug store. Therefore look for the rewards card that will credit you with thousands of points the very first time you make a purchase!
Just remember the point that you are the consumer so the choice of card type is yours.
New Cardholder Incentives
A new cardholder incentive will work to your advantage well. Few of the credit card companies that offer this kind of deal will allow you to make purchases without interest at an extended period of time. With this kind of benefit, you can make purchases without worrying about the interest rate. Some credit card companies give this type of benefit for up to 60 days while some offer this benefit for up to six months or even longer. Furthermore with this kind of benefit, you, as a cardholder, can save a lot of money on interest while quickly paying the purchase off.
Another great deal you should look for is the rewards program that some credit card companies give to their credit card holders. In general rewards program vary from company to company but pretty much works the same way. This type of deal works when a cardholder uses their credit card frequently. Remember that the more a credit card holder uses their card, the more points they accumulate. Moreover the points can be converted into cash back, flight points, and other prizes. In case if you use your credit card frequently, this kind of deal is for you.
Interest Rates
More often this is what most people look at first when they apply for a credit card. A brilliant credit card deal should include a low interest rate. Lots of credit cards have 22% interest rates. So, in case if you can get a credit card deal with an interest rate lower than 22% then you are on your way on getting a good credit card deal.
Annual Fees
High annual fees are definitely not worth your time. In case if you can get a credit card with a low annual fee along with other great deals mentioned, you should go for it. Low annual fees should be specially taken into account if you keep your credit cards for emergency purposes only. Fact is you don't want to pay for that extra fee if you don't frequently use your credit card.
Finding a credit card with good deals isn't always straightforward. Because of this reason you should try hard looking for one that has at least two of the deals mentioned above. Most importantly try to consider where you use your credit card and determine which credit card deals are best suited for you. By implementing this, you can protect your credit rating and at the same time, save lots of money on charges that you don't have any use from.
Not all credit card deals are terrific in nature and some are simply worth avoiding. Though, among the lots of offers available there are offers that are simply too good to pass up. The question now arises: How do you know if one deal is better than another? A brilliant question, so let's explore how you can get the credit card deal that is head and shoulders above the rest.
New Card Incentive
In case if a credit card company isn't willing to offer an incentive in order to get you to switch to their card, then simply pass them by. Though, if you see a low introductory rate, free balance transfer, and/or bonus points awarded for making the switch, them by all means consider their card.
The excellent cards will give to you a 0% or other unusually low APR for as long as 12 months. After that, a fixed rate APR that is below the going rate normally 15% -- is worth your consideration.
No Transfer Fees
Getting a balance transfer choice with a low fixed rate until that loan is paid off is wise. Finding one that doesn't charge you to make a transfer is also ideal. You may ask why pay for the privilege of using the card when there are so many cards that really wants your business.
No Annual Fee
Few cards charge annual fees or at least waive them for the first year. Unless there are some additional fantastic incentives given it is quite mandatory that you avoid that annual fee card like the plague!
Get the Rewards
One of the best incentives given is a card that gives to you a reward every time that you use it. Quite a number of times one point on the dollar is good, but five points on select purchases is even better. It is recommended that you redeem those valuable points for airline miles, hotel stays, vacation travel, new car rebates, cash back, and more. Generally speaking some cards will double your rewards for special purchases, i.e. groceries, gas station, or the drug store. Therefore look for the rewards card that will credit you with thousands of points the very first time you make a purchase!
Just remember the point that you are the consumer so the choice of card type is yours.